During the course of each corporate activity the regulations as stipulated within the unfair competition law have to be observed. According to these laws competitors are not allowed using inappropriate measures to gain competition advantages, purchasers must not be subjectively influenced.
We make sure that the advertising and marketing measure of our clients are legally safe and examine the advertising and marketing measures of competitors of our clients. The protection of company secrets and know-how, including taking legal steps is a further focal point of our law firm.
The closure of licence, cooperation and sales- and marketing agreements can mean considerable legal disadvantages (right up to the invalidity of said agreements) if the specifications of the anti-trust law are not being observed. The anti-trust law is not a matter concerning just large corporations.
Within the frame of our consultation business and during due diligence examinations we repeatedly came across agreements made by start-up companies which were null and void due to their violation of the anti-trust law.